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Youth Leadership Programme

We partnered with the Haifa-based Baladna Youth Association to support the Youth Leadership Programme. The programme aims to empower Palestinian youth through non-formal education.

Baladna was established in 2001 to enable, empower & educate Palestinian youth within the Green Line. Baladna provides leadership training and cultural education to help strengthen the understanding of democracy, gender equality, anti-violence and human rights.

Student-led leadership groups

The programme trains university students how to think critically & how to develop leadership skills. The graduates of the summer training programme work throughout the year to form & lead youth groups who go on to identify & address prominent problems in their communities.

Connecting youth with their history

The project gives youth the opportunity to understand their history in order to understand & change their complex reality. It also aims to address the political & social issues around patriarchal & oppressive social structures within the Palestinian community.

Give the gift of education

Your generosity helps us empower Palestinian youth by
giving them education, connecting them with their culture
& building their capacities to bring about positive change.