What’s your name and what are you studying?
My name is Salwa Khafaga, I am studying Industrial Engineering and Management.
What’s your age?
I am 23 years old.
Can you tell us a little bit about your background and life?
I come from a family of 4 siblings. I have one older sister, 3 brothers one of which is younger than me and is the youngest of us all. I like rollerblading, snowboarding, playing soccer and riding on motorcycles. I also like to do yoga, meditation and reading. Aside from studying, I like to volunteer in my society, especially in my hometown, moreover I work as a psychometric course teacher.
How did you end up applying for the Galilee scholarship program?
My older brother, who also studied in Haifa for his Bachelor’s degree, took the scholarship and participated in the program and he recommended it to me.
Would you have been able to afford going to university if it was not for this scholarship?
No, my parents are divorced, and I am my only financial source. The scholarship allowed me to work one job instead of two as well as have enough time to volunteer.
What for you are the key benefits of the program
The program is full of intellectually rich and diverse people; it allows me to meet people from different places and from
different majors and institutes. The program includes many workshops enriches us in different aspects we almost never get to touch in our daily lives given we are students with very busy schedules.
What are the biggest challenges you face in your day-to-day studies?
Keeping up with assignments while maintaining a healthy mentality and a balanced routine. Making friends where I study is a hardship I face every day when I go to lectures.
What are your goals in life and what would you like to do after your studies?
My goals include making the places I go to better with the tools I have if I can, as well as free the minds of as many girls as I possibly can.
After my studies, I want to gain as much experience as I possibly can and build as many connections as I can in order to
hopefully incorporate programming programs for girls in my hometown. Perhaps create a whole institute in which girls can get exposed to different professions and studying majors. I also want to invest in already existing institutes that aim to better our society. I will use the tools I have to help them grow.
What do you consider to be your greatest achievement to date?
My independence and rebellious nature considering the conservative environment I come from.
What has been the most significant change in your life since participating in the Scholarship Programme?
I got to meet fierce, strong, rich, intelligent, vocal and independent women.
Tell us why you consider this change to be the most significant?
For the first time in my life, I felt like I have a female figure/s I can look up to, feel connected to in various aspects and turn to whenever I face an obstacle. ANY obstacle!
Finally….tell us your favourites:
Book: A Thousand Splendid Suns, Au Revoir Acre
Film: Shrek, Mona Lisa Smile
Band/artist: Taylor Swift
One more thing: Would you like to give a message to our supporters?
Thank you for giving us this amazing opportunity, without you many change makers wouldn’t happen 🙂